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Partner with us!

We believe the work of GP Chaplains is invaluable and unique in the support it provides to those struggling with a loss of wellbeing. Consideration of an individual's spiritual needs is often overlooked and yet such an important part of whole person care.

ACGP is committed to raising awareness and developing excellence in Primary Care Chaplaincy to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for prompt access to this support via their GP.

If you believe in the work we do, we invite you to partner with us and become a Friend of ACGP. For a minimum donation of £5 per month you will receive a discount on all our training and events as well as receive regular updates about how you are helping us make a difference. All you need to do is sign up here and set up a regular minimum donation of £5 per month via Stewardship.

Thank you for your support!

One-off donations

We are grateful for all donations we receive as they allow us to continue working toward our vision of seeing excellent spiritual care available to all as we seek to raise awareness of Primary Care Chaplaincy and support those who deliver it. We invite you to make a one-off donation, however small, through Stewardship. Thank you!

  2024 the Association of Chaplaincy in General Practice
  site design by
  2024 the Association of Chaplaincy in General Practice
  2024 ACGP
  site design by
  2024 ACGP